最全的《An Ideal Husband》经典语录


最全的《An Ideal Husband》经典语录

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1、It is a very dangerous thing to listen. If one listens one may be convinced; and a man who allows himself to be convinced by an argument is a thoroughly unreasonable person. ----王尔德

2、Do not accept a sacrifice so great. If you do, you will live to repent it bitterly. We men and women are not made to accept such sacrifices from each other. We are not worthy of them. ----王尔德

3、When a man has once loved a woman, he will do anything for her, except continue to love her. ----王尔德

4、It was your ambition that led you astray. ----王尔德

5、You made your false idol of me, and I had not the courage to come down, show you my wounds, tell you my weaknesses.
你心中的我如此完美,我又如何敢让你看到我负伤、脆弱的一面? ----王尔德

6、To love oneself is the beginning of a lifelong romance. ----王尔德

7、It is not the perfect, but the imperfect, who have need of love. It is when we are wounded by our own hands, or by the hands of others, that love should come to cure us - else what use is love at all? ----王尔德

8、How men stand up for each other! How women war against each other! ----王尔德

9、There is only one real tragedy in a woman's life. The fact that her past is always her lover, and her future invariably her husband. ----王尔德
