空乘面试英文自我介绍范文精选 空乘人员在参与面试的时候应该怎么进行自我介绍呢?以下是小编收集的自我介绍,仅供大家阅读参考! 空乘面试英文自我介绍范文一Good morning everyone, my name is XXX.I am XX years old.I graduated from XXX.I have a dream since I was a child.I dream that one day I can fly in the blue sky like the bird. Now I have the chance to make it come true. If i can take this job. I’ll try my best to do everything well.Because I love this job.Thank you . Hello my name isXXX.I am XX years old.I graduatedfrom XXX.I have a dream since I was a child.I dream that one day I can fly in the blue sky like the bird. Now I have the chance to make it come true. If i can take this job. I’ll try my best to do everything well.Because I love this job. Hello my name isXXX.I am XX years old.I graduatedfrom XXX.I have a dream since I was a child.I dream that one day I can fly in the blue sky like the bird. Now I have the chance to make it come true. If i can take this job. I’ll try my best to do everything well.Because I love this job. Good morning everyone, my name is XXX.I am XX years old.I graduated from XXX.I have a dream since I was a child.I dream that one day I can fly in the blue sky like the bird. Now I have the chance to make it come true. If i can take this job. I’ll try my best to do everything well.Because I love this job.Thank you . 空乘面试英文自我介绍范文二Good morning everyone,my name is XX,and my english name is XX. Iam 21 years old and iam from (qingdao/XX) . I have very happy family, they were my mother,my father and i. my father is soldier and my mother is doctor .i love them verymuch,we leave very luckly everyday! I have some interests, four example: play piano singsong ang swimming.I have lend so much from them. when i was young, i haved a dream, i was dreaming flying in the sky, so ,i long to work in the plain. then, iam here,i weash you would take me, because iam looking four would, to workingfour,nice meeting you again. thank you ! 如何做好自我介绍,应注意如下问题: “蹩脚”的自我介绍,会在主考官面前大打折扣。 急于表现自己,在不适当的时候打断考官的谈话; 夸大表现自己,长篇大论,夸夸其谈,说得太多; 不敢表现自己,遮遮掩掩,唯唯诺诺,生怕考官摸了自己的底细,而小看自己; 不能表现自己,吞吞吐吐,含糊不清,不能给别人一种清晰的要领和印象,甚至别人连名字都听不清楚; 其实,有时候,自我介绍比证件,名片之类的东西更重要,它可以“先声夺人”,很快给主考官留下良好的印象。 成功的自我介绍,不仅依靠声调、态度、言行举止的魅力,而且还要考虑适当的时间和地点以及当时的氛围。比如: 把握好时机。所谓好时机,一方面不破坏或打断考官的兴趣,另一方面又能够很快抓住对方的注意力。在需要等待的时候,一定要等待,而且努力使自己当好考官谈话的听众。 一定要自信。如果你先前了解考官和与其相关的’人,话题涉及他们时,尽可能以自然流畅的语调来赞美对方,让人感觉你是从心里发出的,而不是过分奉承和吹捧。 尽量表示友善、诚实和坦率。这不仅要从你的话语中自然流露出来,更应该从态度和眼神中体现出来。 清晰地报出自己的名字。你尽可能用诙谐的方式加深考官对自己的印象乃至好感。 |