静谧的近义词是什么 静谧近义词: 清幽,宁静,清静,安宁,寂静,安静,平静,幽静 英文解释 [书] (安静) quiet;still;tranquil ; 中文解释 [peaceful; quiet] 寂静;平静 心境静谧 详细解释 安宁平静。 三国 魏 嵇康 《琴赋》:“竦肃肃以静謐,密微微其清閒。” 唐 郭子仪 《享太庙乐章·广运舞》:“河海静謐,车书混同。” 清 林则徐 《会奏九龙洋面轰击夷船情形折》:“再 广东 沿海閭阎,仍俱十分静謐。” 梁斌 《红旗谱》十六:“ 春兰 睁起又黑又大的眼睛,静谧的看着 运涛 。” 平定,使安定。 《陈书·宣帝纪论》:“克 淮 南之地,开拓土宇,静謐封疆。” 中英例句 园林浸沉在一片欢悦的大自然的静谧里。 The grand silence of happy nature filled the garden. 这家奢华静谧的俱乐部共有七层,配备了spa和健身设施,还有西餐及中餐馆。 Luxurious and serene, it takes up seven floors and includes spa and gym facilities as well as both a western and chinese restaurant. 夜,也是有声音的`,低沉而铿锵,也许是因寂静所以回荡的更加悠扬,也许是夜晚的大车撞碎了静谧的城墙。 Night also has voice, rumble and clang. It maybe more resonating caused by the silent night, maybethe cart break down the wall of silent. 紧挨着灵隐寺,沿着山脚,就是更为静谧的永福寺(yongfu temple),它与灵隐寺一样,都是由1620xx年前从天竺云游至此的高僧慧理(master hui li)所建。 Next to it, skirting the foot of the mountain, is the quieter yongfu temple, like lingyin said to have been founded 1600 years ago by master hui li, a visiting monk from india. |