温文尔雅的近义词 近义词: 文质彬彬、温柔敦厚 文质彬彬:文质彬彬 wénzhì-bīnbīn[gentle;balance of outward grace and solid worth;combination of elegance end plainness] 原指人的文采和实质配合适当。形容气质温文尔雅,行为举止端正 温柔敦厚:温柔敦厚 wēnróu-dūnhòu[placid] 待人接物秉性平和 反义词: 附庸风雅 附庸风雅:附庸风雅 fùyōng-fēngyǎ[mingle with men of letters and pose as a lover of culture] 指某些人为了装点门面而结交名士,从事有关文化活动,以示自己有一定的文化素养 温文尔雅词典解释 (详细解释) 词语拼音:wēn wén ěr yǎ 词语解释: 温文尔雅 wēnwén-ěryǎ [gentle and cultivated;civilized;courteous;urbane;be cultured and refined] 气质彬彬有礼,行为典雅端正 如此温文尔雅,令人钦佩不己 |