百无聊赖的同义词 百无聊赖的.同义词: 兴味索然、心灰意冷、万念俱灰 中文解析: 【解释】:聊赖:依赖。精神上无所寄托,感到什么都没意思。 【出自】:汉·蔡琰《悲愤》诗:“为复强视息,虽生何聊赖。” 【示例】:在~中,随手抓过一本书来,科学也好,文学也好,横竖什么都一样。 ◎鲁迅《彷徨·伤逝》 【语法】:主谓式;作谓语、定语、状语;形容人空虚无聊,没有依托 英文解释 1.The time hangs heavy on one’s hands.; bored stiff; bored to death; idle away time aimlessly; overcome with boredom; The day is long to him who knows not how to use it.; thoroughly bored; utterly bored [helpless]; very much bored: 例句 你看起来挺百无聊赖的不! You just kind of look bored. No! 那天气弄得她百无聊赖、无精打采。 The weather made her listless and lethargic. 在上周举行的墨西哥石油大会(mexican oil congress)上,jack liu百无聊赖地坐在自己的展位上。 Jack liu had plenty of time on his hands last weekend as he sat at his stand in the mexican oil congress. 他看着玻璃板后面那些百无聊赖的戴高帽子的熟悉身影咕哝说,这话像纠缠不休的乐曲在他脑袋里不停地回响,平时这个时候他都是在俱乐部逗留,而今天他却直接回了家。 He muttered, the word running through his head like a persecuting tune as he saw the familiar tall-hatted figures loungingbehind the plate-glass; and because he usually dropped in at the club at that hour he had gone home instead. |